NDC has been in the works for more than a decade. However, it’s still a somewhat foreign concept to many who book travel for work. JTB Business Travel is channeling NDC content to make Travel Arrangers’ and Travelers’ experiences better. New Distribution Capability (NDC) has been touted as a new solution that will offer moreRead […]
Checking into your hotel — How hard could it be? It’s not as straightforward as you might think. These are some of the biggest mistakes you might be making at hotel check-in (or check-out). If you’ve been on your fair share of business trips, then you likely have a routine. Maybe you arrive in yourRead […]
Business travel is all too often associated with negatives — climate change, stressed workers — but can it contribute to a better world? Taking a cultural travel approach when you travel for work could make all the difference. When you think of business travel, what do you imagine? Packing up at the office, heading toRead […]
As business travel spending soars, you’re probably wondering how to best budget for business travel in the months ahead. Here are a few of the ways to save that you might be overlooking, including opting for an annual management fee. Have you been seeing your team’s business travel expenses slowly creeping upwards? Or maybe theRead […]
The ever-changing landscape of business travel means ever-changing demands from business Travelers. As the business travel industry roars back to life, here’s what business Travelers want most from hotels in 2024. When choosing hotels for your business Travelers, you’re likely taking into consideration a multitude of factors. You’re looking at cost, of course. A GlobalRead […]
So many Travelers claim they’re concerned with the impact their travel has on the environment. Corporations are following suit. Why has it been so difficult to shift Travelers from planes to trains? Looking back a year ago, the process of shifting Travelers from planes to trains seemed positive. As CNN reported at the time, EuropeRead […]
Deciding between a travel management company vs travel agency? There are several things you’ll want to consider before you make a decision either way. Both options come with their pros and cons, and this decision will significantly impact your Travelers. Both a travel management company (TMC) and a travel agency, of course, can help makeRead […]
If you’re a Travel Arranger managing a strict budget, chances are you’re doing everything in your power to cut your Travelers’ costs—but is it really possible to learn how to avoid hotel fees? They seemingly sneak up on you when you least expect them. It’s easy not to even notice them until you get yourRead […]